LSOT's neuro occupational therapy services: how we work
Neuro occupational therapy assessment
Physical assessment
Our neuro occupational therapy programmes start with an initial physical assessment. This identifies what the changes are and where the challenges lie for a person after brain injury, stroke or diagnosis of a neurological condition. This looks at areas like personal care, daily domestic activities, use of public transport, as well as work and leisure.
Cognitive assessment
Problems relating to memory, attention, problem-solving and planning can have just as big an impact on a person’s life as physical issues. The role of the neuro occupational therapy professional also involves looking at a patient’s cognitive functions. We use standardised assessments and observation of thinking skills and then set neuro OT goals to improve how people cope with everyday life.
Neuro occupational therapy rehabilitation
After assessment we identify goals for treatment – goals that are meaningful and client-centred. Laura’s neuro occupational therapists are trained in using Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS), which monitors progress and allows the individual to predict their level of achievement in their personalised goal plan – a very effective way to track and measure outcomes.
Our neuro occupational therapy programmes of treatment are developed to meet clients’ specific needs. They may include us engaging support workers, as well as neuro occupational therapy rehabilitation assistants to practise achieving goals. Involving families has also proved to be highly effective.
Neuro occupational therapy & vocational support
Returning to work
We take a case-by-case approach which is bespoke to the client’s needs. Where necessary we liaise with employers, HR departments and occupational health and carry out workplace environment and skills assessments to help ease the path back into work. We have up-to-date knowledge of the current legislation and can advise on acceptable modifications and adaptions within the workplace.
Assistance in gaining employment
Where a client’s circumstances prevent them from returning to what they were doing before, we can help them find suitable voluntary and paid opportunities and assist with enrolling on training courses and apprenticeships.
Neuro occupational therapy training & education
The role of neuro occupational therapists in brain injury is to provide training that helps people deal with particular medical conditions and understand how to use specific equipment. This could mean help for family and support workers through strategies that assist the individual. For example, behaviour contract work to help manage challenging behaviour, or specific training in how to use hoists and wheelchairs.
LSOT can also provide neuro occupational therapy training for the public and medico-legal professionals like case managers and other MDT rehabilitation staff. We are also available for public speaking engagements and educational work.
Neuro occupational therapy equipment & modifications
Assistive technology & environmental controls
We take a case-by-case approach which is completely bespoke to clients’ needs. Where necessary we liaise with employers, HR departments and occupational health and carry out workplace environment and skills assessments to help ease the path back into work. We have up-to-date knowledge of the current legislation and can advise on acceptable modifications and adaptions within the workplace.
Wheelchairs and seating/postural advice, driving & adapted vehicles
Our neuro occupational therapy specialists can assess requirements and liaise with appropriate wheelchair services and providers. We provide training in managing powered wheelchairs, and advise on seating in wheelchairs in order to achieve best posture. We work with specialist moulded seating systems manufacturers, so we can arrange maintenance and support for long-term users.
Neuro occupational therapy & splinting
When a neurological event causes changes in the control or use of muscles and joints, splinting can prevent further deterioration and promote recovery.
We can make bespoke splints within your home or in a clinic with our own splinting equipment and tools. We also have access to branded dynamic splints which we can organise should an assessment indicate that they would be useful.
Neuro occupational therapy home environment assessment & reports
We undertake assessments of the suitability of homes for purchase and/or adaption to meet individuals’ disability-related needs. We work with registered building surveyors, solicitors and architects to support housing related report recommendations.
Case examples include installations of through lifts, external and internal ramps to improve access, guidance about and liaison with ceiling track hoist companies, home environmental control advice, as well as kitchen and wet room adaption recommendations.
Neuro occupational therapy & paediatrics
We can provide assessment and treatment for patients under 16 years with a neurological condition. We offer standardised and specialist assessments, advice on specialist paediatric equipment and housing adaptions and work with sensory-integration-trained therapists. Our service is available in schools, homes and the community – wherever will best meet the needs of children and their families.
Depression, anxiety, fatigue & behavioural management
We recognise the impact these challenges can have on normal, everyday functioning and how this affects rehabilitation engagement and outcomes. Our neuro occupational therapy specialists have the skills to assess, support and educate, as well as develop strategies and manage these areas to help the client to function and achieve their goals.
LSOT’s neuro occupational therapy professionals have expertise in behavioural management gained through work in behavioural units. We have a fully-qualified yoga instructor who uses these additional skills in her OT programmes to support relaxation for anxiety management, as well as occupational therapists who are trained in mindfulness and CBT. And our links with neuropsychologists, neuropsychiatrists and neurologists ensure we provide a comprehensive multi-disciplinary approach for the management of difficult behaviours.
For more information call 07563 310 605 or click here to email
© Laura Slader Independent Occupational Therapy Services Ltd. 2020