Neuro occupational therapy assistants providing consistency in brain injury rehabilitation

One of the most effective ways of providing consistency of care in brain injury rehabilitation is the involvement of neuro occupational therapy rehabilitation assistants.

Rehab assistants are trained by OT professionals to carry out particular aspects of our neuro occupational therapy programmes.

They provide consistency, repetition and regularity that reinforce the work of our neuro occupational therapy teams.

As with the selection and supervision of the associates, LSOT’s rehabilitation assistants are all personally selected by Laura with a focus on experience and quality.

Their work is overseen by her and her associates, or other neuro occupational therapy professionals working with patients. 

Neuro occupational therapy professional at LSOT

James Clark

Neuro occupational therapy professional at LSOT

Kelly O Hanlon-Payne

Neuro occupational therapy professional at LSOT

Millie Quinton-Smith

Neuro occupational therapy professional at LSOT

Rebecca Francis

Neuro occupational therapy professional at LSOT

Ira Vanderbijl

Sharon French

Josh Parry

Georgia Heys

Chloe Kennedy

Nicholas Osbourne

Kerry-Anne Stackpoole

For more information call 07563 310 605 or click here to email

© Laura Slader Independent Occupational Therapy Services Ltd. 2020